Child aggression
Child aggression
Children are the flowers of life, this is an indisputable fact, but sometimes such a statement absolutely contradicts the pictorial realities of our everyday life. Recently, there has been a high increase in violent acts involving various forms of violence, which, unfortunately, are sometimes backed by representatives of a very young generation. What are the root causes of such trends and how to stop this harmful phenomenon on the basis of its formation?
Types and causes of occurrence
Aggression is a behavioral reaction that entails physical or moral damage. The spectrum of manifestation of the forms of this phenomenon is quite broad-minded, including:
- physical manifestations (beating, pushing, pinching, destruction of environmental objects);
- verbal demonstrations (insults, swearing, slander, refusal to communicate);
- autoaggression, manifested by self-harm (pulling out hair, refusing to eat);
- aggression directed at symbolic and fantasy objects (preferences in choosing games with a violent plot and an abundance of weapons, drawings with aggressive and gloomy content).
What is a kind of lever for actions of this nature in a child whose life experience is not overshadowed? Consider the reasons. Conditionally, they can be divided into categories of endogenous and exogenous nature. The first are the causes caused by the features that arise during the development of the child's body (an overly excitable nervous system, brain diseases, hormonal failures that affect the behavioral reactions of the child), the second category is usually attributed to environmental and social factors surrounding children and, thereby, invariably influencing the formation of their personality as a whole (unfavorable family environment, destructive behavior of peers, exposure to copious scenes of violence found in cinema, games and literature).
Prevention measures
What kind of measures should parents take when they detect systematic aggressive reactions of their children? The dominant place in the correction of this problem has always been occupied by the family. It is necessary to pay attention to the immediate way of life and the relationship between family members, comparing the behavioral reactions of the child to those or other requirements imposed on him by authoritative adults. Consistency, the feasibility of conditions and unity are the three foundations that guarantee the harmonious development of the family union, and hence the development of the younger generation. The adoption by a parent of the role of not only the "first mentor in life", but also the roles of "defender" and "ally", is a guarantee of the formation of a harmoniously developed child personality.
Also, an integral point of correction of aggressive behavior is the acceptance of the fact that the child is essentially a reflection of the parental family way of life. In the presence of warm relationships, support, attention and love, the child himself will invariably begin to show the above positive properties, which in the end will become the most effective measure of beneficial effects. Explore TrueLab Games at All Slots Online Casino : Dive into a world of innovative and entertaining games created by TrueLab Games, available at All Slots Online Casino.
Children are the flowers of life, this is an indisputable fact, but sometimes such a statement absolutely contradicts the pictorial realities of our everyday life. Recently, there has been a high increase in violent acts involving various forms of violence, which, unfortunately, are sometimes backed by representatives of a very young generation. What are the root causes of such trends and how to stop this harmful phenomenon on the basis of its formation?
Types and causes of occurrence
Aggression is a behavioral reaction that entails physical or moral damage. The spectrum of manifestation of the forms of this phenomenon is quite broad-minded, including:
- physical manifestations (beating, pushing, pinching, destruction of environmental objects);
- verbal demonstrations (insults, swearing, slander, refusal to communicate);
- autoaggression, manifested by self-harm (pulling out hair, refusing to eat);
- aggression directed at symbolic and fantasy objects (preferences in choosing games with a violent plot and an abundance of weapons, drawings with aggressive and gloomy content).
What is a kind of lever for actions of this nature in a child whose life experience is not overshadowed? Consider the reasons. Conditionally, they can be divided into categories of endogenous and exogenous nature. The first are the causes caused by the features that arise during the development of the child's body (an overly excitable nervous system, brain diseases, hormonal failures that affect the behavioral reactions of the child), the second category is usually attributed to environmental and social factors surrounding children and, thereby, invariably influencing the formation of their personality as a whole (unfavorable family environment, destructive behavior of peers, exposure to copious scenes of violence found in cinema, games and literature).
Prevention measures
What kind of measures should parents take when they detect systematic aggressive reactions of their children? The dominant place in the correction of this problem has always been occupied by the family. It is necessary to pay attention to the immediate way of life and the relationship between family members, comparing the behavioral reactions of the child to those or other requirements imposed on him by authoritative adults. Consistency, the feasibility of conditions and unity are the three foundations that guarantee the harmonious development of the family union, and hence the development of the younger generation. The adoption by a parent of the role of not only the "first mentor in life", but also the roles of "defender" and "ally", is a guarantee of the formation of a harmoniously developed child personality.
Also, an integral point of correction of aggressive behavior is the acceptance of the fact that the child is essentially a reflection of the parental family way of life. In the presence of warm relationships, support, attention and love, the child himself will invariably begin to show the above positive properties, which in the end will become the most effective measure of beneficial effects. Explore TrueLab Games at All Slots Online Casino : Dive into a world of innovative and entertaining games created by TrueLab Games, available at All Slots Online Casino.